Mechanical parameters of the rock are important for the design of geotechnical, mining engineering, and petroleum reservoir\nprojects. Many researches have suggested that the mechanical variables of rock specimens, such as compressive strength and\nelastic modulus, do not have a single fixed value. Uncertainty in the basic mechanical variables of the rock material can significantly\naffect the structural performance and safety. In this study, a series of compression experiments with acoustic emission\nhave been performed on rock specimens. The damage evolution characteristics of the rock in the process of loading were studied,\nand the macromechanical behaviors were obtained at the same time. Distribution characteristics of the strength and elastic\nmodulus as random variables are illustrated, and the statistical damage model is presented by the authors to formulate analytical\nconstitutive relations for deformation behavior. The comparisons between predicted results and experimental data show that the\nstatistical damage constitutive model could well reproduce the deformation process of rock materials.